Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Great Benevolence

Good morning, we'll hear from Katie, a past mom of the week.  Read her sweet words about her friend, Sandy Kreps.

Great Benevolence

This is a story of the greatness of our God. It’s a story of mercy unending and grace beyond expectations.

Once upon a time there was a little boy whose momma loved him more than she could ever have imagined. She didn’t expect to feel so fiercely protective from that first glance. She didn’t expect that her dreams would suddenly fade into the background as dreams for this new life took their place. The world took on new colors and love beyond her imagination grew in her heart.

The world stood still while the this sweet momma heard the doctors telling her that her baby, the one she had dreamed of for so long wasn’t perfect. He was her dream come true and they were telling her about a nightmare. He was everything to her. Her heart and her mind warred against the injustice. She couldn’t keep her sweet boy. The world told her she wasn’t allowed to watch those dreams for him come true. So, she wrapped him warmly, kissed his sweet face and left him with a note that shared her greatest hope for her boy. “I hope someone kind will help him.”

On the other side of the world a mother’s heart was being refined. She was loving on her babies and God was stretching her beyond what she thought she was capable. In God’s grace He gave her a beautiful, sweet baby for her family to love and to cherish. And in the darkest hours of the night ,in His incomprehensible mercy, He took the baby away.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.  (Job 1:21)

And our great God wept for the brokenness in the world. Angels surrounded a baby boy in China and protected him. They sang over him. God answers the prayers of the brokenhearted. He spoke of hope into a mother’s broken heart. He whispered dreams in the darkness of a sweet boy.  He found someone “kind.”

The boy’s name is Darren Xiangzi . Right now he is being grafted into a new family and learning to love his new momma. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

The cost of adoption is nothing in the hands of our Great God. He is moving in hearts around the world to bring His orphans into homes. What an awesome, incredible privilege to be given a chance to be a part of His mission. I stand in awe that He would allow us to walk with Him on this road.  Please donate to this precious family and their newest son. What a journey! 

The angels are singing again tonight, my friends. Hallelujahs are surrounding His throne.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Sometimes in the darkest hours our kind God giveth again. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie....your words, my are right - blessed be the name of the Lord (as tears fall down my face!!!). Thank you my friend!
